2023 Kronsted, Christian. "Can't stop, won't stop – an enactivist model of Tarantism." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences" pp.1-25
2023 Kronsted, Christian, Shaun Gallagher, Deborah Tollefsen, Leah Windsor. "An Enactivist Account of the Dynamics of Lying" Adaptive Behavior. pp.1-35
2023 Windsor, Leah; Tatara, Jennifer; Peters, Courtney; Kronsted, Christian; Windsor, Alistair. "The Language of Wine Reviews" Wine Research Journal.
2022 Kronsted, Christian;
Kugele, Sean; Neemeh, Zachariah; Ryan, Kevin; Franklin, Stan."
Intelligence: Smooth Coping in the Learning Intelligent Decision Agent (LIDA)
Cognitive Architecture" Frontiers in Psychology, pp. 1-20
2022 Kronsted, Christian; Windsor, Leah. "Grant-writing and the Hidden Curriculum: Mentoring and Collaborating Across Disciplines." PS: Political Science and Politics, pp. 313-323, doi: 0.1017/S1049096521001827
2021 Kronsted, Christian. "Catching the Ghost: House Dance and Improvisational Mastery" Contemporary Aesthetics, pp.1-16, invited contribution.
2021 Kronsted, Christian. "Using Affordances to Teach Improvisational Dance." Journal of dance Education, pp. 168-175, doi: 10.1080/15290824.2021.1937184
2021 Kronsted, Christian; Gallagher, Shaun. "Dances and Affordances: The Relationship Between Dance Training and Conceptual Problem Solving." Journal of Aesthetic Education. pp. 35-55, doi:10.5406/jaesteduc.55.1.0035
2021 Kronsted, Christian; Wurst, Jonathan. "Philosophical Horizons: P4/WC and Anti-Racism in Memphis, TN." In Intentional Disruptions: New Directions in Pre-college Philosophy, Vernon Press, pp. 91-113. ISBN; 978-1-64889-191-5
2020 Kronsted, Christian; Neemeh, Zachariah; Kugele, Sean; Franklin, Stan." Modeling Long-Term Intentions and Narratives in Autonomous Agents." Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness.
2020 Neemeh, Zachariah; Kronsted, Christian; Kugele, Sean; Franklin, Stan. "Body Schema in Artificial Autonomous Agents." Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness.
2018 Kronsted, Christian. "The Self and Dance Movement Therapy - a Narrative Approach." Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences. pp. 47-58, doi:10.1007/s11097-018-9602-y.
Under Review
2021 Kronsted, Christian. "Cyphers - Extended Cognition and Social Resistance" Dance Research Journal. Under Review.
2021 Kronsted, Christian. "Flowing, The Flow, but not Flow - Clearing Up a Common Misconception About Improvisational Cognition" Synthese. Under Review.